Book an Appointment at Icon Chiro - SF - Icon Chiro - San Francisco
New Patients: please scheduled for New Patients only. Existing Patients: if you are in the restorative program, please schedule for restorative appointment. if you are in either monthly or bi-monthly wellness program, please schedule for wellness appointment.
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Gonstead Chiropractic
At ICON, we use 5 parts of Gonstead comprehensive examination for analyzing spinal misalignment: 1) visualization, 2) static palpation, 3) motion palpation, 4) nervoscope instrumentation and 5) full-spine x-ray. In addition, we have also incorporated an FDA class 2 diagnostic muscle scan tool and motion x-ray for optimal muscle and spinal function.
Personal Injury
Navigating the aftermath of a traumatic automobile accident can be daunting, and one of the most traumatic events that can disrupt spinal alignment and nervous system function. That's why seeking chiropractic care in conjunction with other medical practitioners is highly recommended—it accelerates healing and helps prevent long-term injuries that may arise from the impact.
Our dedicated team is experienced in providing comprehensive care to help you recover and regain optimal health. We understand the emotional toll and complexities surrounding post-accident recovery, and at ICON, we go the extra mile to streamline the process.
Functional Nutrition
Functional Nutrition is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach to healthcare that looks beyond symptom resolution to identify why illness occurs and address those root causes to restore health. At ICON, we do blood lab analysis and advanced testing such as salivary, stool or hair analysis to further investigate the root cause of the condition. While conventional medicine focuses on using medication to reduce symptoms, Functional Nutrition empowers patients and practitioners to work together to resolve the complex underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness through diet and lifestyle change.
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Located at: 835 Clay St, , 106, San Francisco
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